Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 20th 2014

Wow, I am so behind with posting, but trust me when I say I have had all things happy everyday! 

This weekend was no exception! I am a mentor, of course by nature but especially to a wonderful group of young ladies through my sorority.  So my second mentee from UT joined the wives club this weekend, and I was on deck to share in this wonderful union.  I have never stayed to the end of a wedding to actually see the bride and groom off, but I had such a great time, I shut it down!  

So of course a union of two young people always makes you think about marriage and what it all means.  Keith Sweat song "Make it Last Forever" always comes to my mind.  Because isn't that the wish of all newlyweds, they expect it to last forever! So if that's the wish why is the divorce rate so high.  I have a few theory's, but I would be writing forever and I just don't have time for that.  But I will share the biggest problem I see and its just one word, "WORK"!

Marriage is hard work, and you hear the phrase all the time. You have to put in the same amount of work that it took to get her or him, to keep him or her!  Just cause you have sealed the deal, and you are no longer getting the milk for free, "LOL I crack myself up!", does not mean you stop working at it!

You know the weekly chats about what to do this weekend, the weekly cooking in the kitchen together, the weekly grocery shopping together etc...believe it or not those things will still matter.  You know why because it was quality time with one another!  As life gets busier, and your busy planning your goals and working hard to achieve them, then kids come, or taking care of family members, those quiet days when it was just you two are far and in between.

I remember when I first dated my husband, we didn't have a washer or dryer so our weekend outing was the laundromat, yep the washateria! But at that time, we didn't care that we were sitting in a hot ass room for over four hours, we were just happy to be together. Grinning and smiling at one another while we folded clothes, and talking about anything that came to mind! Man that was the good times!

So I ended this now, cause I could go on forever! But its work to keep a marriage together and although our lives get busier with time, it might not be a bad idea to put an out order sign on the laundry room and head down to the laundromat for some quality time with your loved one! I'm just saying, do what it takes to "Make It Last Forever"!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 7-Leadership

People often want leadership, but I often wonder why. Is it the money, is it because you want to tell people what to do, or is it the fame that comes with the role.  Me I often think of leadership as an opportunity to change, do things better or simply to offer my services.  Yep I have only held a real paying leadership role once in my 30s.  I give of my best time and talents for free.  I volunteer a lot and they usually get the best out of me. Why I don't know, I'm just a giver, I don't expect anything in return and I just give.  So my happy today is I thank God for giving me an open heart, for giving me talents that I can share with the world for free.  My next role is Chairmen of Awards, this role will last till about next year in April. It will be fun and exciting, but also tough and it will take a lot of my time. I am looking forward to the new challenge and can't wait to share my gifts with others.